Dedicated web hosting is what happens when a hosting service provider leases you a dedicated server. The server is custom-configured to your application, which could be a website, a private cloud, a database, streaming, VOIP, gaming, web hosting, or some other business need. Even though the hosting provider leases you the server, it is yours to ... Llegir més »
Not all servers are created equal, and nothing illustrates this point better than the difference between bare metal servers and virtual servers. If you want to pay for computing power, these two represent different ends of the spectrum. We’ll start with definitions, then we’ll tease out the differences. What’s a Bare Metal Server? A bare ... Llegir més »
Any business with a web presence needs to consider web hosting. This means understanding the difference between dedicated web hosting and managed web hosting. In this post, we’re talking about dedicated web hosting. What Is Dedicated Web Hosting? Dedicated web hosting is when you get a dedicated server, custom configured to your application, ... Llegir més »
You’ve probably read two things about website security. One, security is pretty important. Two, security is often overlooked. Three, lots of people talk about security in a broad sense but don’t dig into specifics. Okay, maybe you haven’t heard that last one. But it’s true. So in this article, we’re going to talk about some specific ... Llegir més »