The greater your needs, the more complex your choice of hosting service will be. Here are the factors you need to consider and questions you need to ask. What Security Features Are Available? Security should be at the top of your list. Security and data breaches aren’t something only big companies need to worry about. Even small businesses ... Espandi »
When most non-IT people think of cloud computing, they imagine a public cloud. However, private clouds are an option that shouldn’t be overlooked. Here’s a rundown on the differences between a public cloud and a private cloud, and what strengths each offer. What Is Public Cloud? With a public cloud, infrastructure is owned by a service ... Espandi »
Here’s a simple way to explain “colocation”: Your equipment is housed in the colocation company’s highly secure location and monitored by their technical experts. The colocation company provides building security, as well as infrastructure like power, cooling and fire protection, and redundancy for these systems. Specialized equipment like ... Espandi »
Planning a server migration is a complex task. But it’s also an opportunity to build a scalable hosting architecture for the future. The success of a migration to your new setup is all in the planning. So read this article, and get your thoughts in order before you begin. This article will be useful if you’re planning to move hosting platform ... Espandi »