Pack Solution
Unlimited number of domains
Unlimited SSL certificate
Basic security protection
Full-featured file manager
File online editor
Use all free plugins
Nginx Web Server
Apache Web Server
PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor
Bind DNS Server
Exim Mail Server
Dovecot POP3/IMAP Server
MySQL Database Server
Pure-FTPd Server
Softaculous Plugin
Iptables Firewall + Fail2Ban
مرة واحدة$99.00 USDأطلبه الآن -
Unlimited number of domains
Pack Solution
Use all professional plugins
Nginx/Apache WAF
Mobile Phone APP
System hardening
Website statistics
$99.00 رسوم إعدادأطلبه الآن -
Pack Solution
Apache WAF
- Mitigating DDOS attacks, easily creating custom rules, protecting your website and reducing the risk of malicious attacks and data leakage
أطلبه الآن -
Sync Tool
- Real-time/timing data synchronization tool based on rsync
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Nginx WAF
- Mitigating DDOS attacks, easily creating custom rules, protecting your website and reducing the risk of malicious attacks and data leakage, it is recommended to use Nginx 1.18 and above
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Website Statistics
- Statistics and comparison of website traffic, ip, uv, pv, request, spider and other data. (Currently only supports Nginx and Apache,Ubuntu and Centos)
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Load Balance
- Load balancing based on nginx, please install nginx before use
أطلبه الآن -
Task Manager
- Easily manage processes, startup items, users, services, scheduled tasks, ssh sessions
أطلبه الآن